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Why Complete Wellness?

A Down-to-Earth Guide to Well-Being: Simple Steps for a Fuller Life


When it comes to wellness, Pfizer puts it neatly: "Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving." Therefore, it's about doing small things every day to look after different parts of your life, keeping everything in balance.


Getting Your Finances in Order

Being savvy with your money is key. It means making smart choices about how you spend and save, ensuring you can cover your needs and have a little set aside for emergencies, without losing sleep over money troubles. A straightforward budget, regular saving, and a bit of financial know-how can go a long way.


Finding Satisfaction in Your Work

Liking what you do for a living is important. It's not just about the money but finding meaning in your work. Keeping your skills updated, balancing work with leisure, and setting exciting career goals can help make your job more rewarding.


Cultivating Strong Bonds

Life's brighter with good mates and a supportive family. It's about having folks to share a laugh and confide in, who'll be there when the going gets tough. Catching up for a chat, joining clubs that interest you, or just spending quality time with friends can strengthen these ties.


Taking Care of Your Physical Health

Your body deserves attention. Eating right, staying active, and getting enough sleep are basics. Simple changes like daily walks, more fruits and veggies, and sticking to a sleep schedule can have a big impact.


Seeking Meaning and Calm

Feeling part of something greater can bring calm and purpose to your life. Whether through meditation, enjoying nature, or being involved in a community with similar values, finding your own way to connect can offer great solace.


Keeping Your Brain Engaged

An active mind leads to a fulfilling life. Learning new things, indulging in creativity, and being open to fresh ideas keep life exciting. Whether it’s through hobbies, reading, or simply staying curious, keeping your brain busy is vital for well-being.


Managing Your Emotions

Life has its highs and lows, and managing them makes everything smoother. Understanding your emotions, finding ways to unwind, and having trusted people to talk to can help maintain emotional balance.


Looking After Our World

Caring for the environment is part of self-care. Simple actions like recycling, reducing waste, and enjoying nature can make a big difference in how we feel about our world and our role in it.

In essence, well-being is about making small, manageable changes in various areas of your life to feel better overall. It's not about being perfect but finding a balance that lets you not just get by, but truly enjoy life.


And because we love helping people on the journey to complete wellness, we have pooled our skills and passion together to create this amazing enterprise that has already impacted hundreds of lives. Complete Wellness C.I.C.’s mission, deeply rooted in the Seventh-day Adventist Church's belief in whole-person health and the intrinsic value of every individual, is to foster comprehensive wellness within communities across England. Recognising that true wellness encompasses multiple dimensions, we are committed to supporting not only physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health, but also financial, occupational, intellectual, and environmental aspects. This holistic approach especially targets those at increased risk of developing health conditions influenced by today's diverse health determinants.


We provide a wide-ranging suite of services that includes education, prevention, early diagnosis, advice, and support. These services are thoughtfully designed to cater to the multifaceted nature of wellness, acknowledging the significant interplay between an individual's social, economic, and physical environments, and their personal health behaviours. Our approach is not just about treating or preventing illness, but nurturing each aspect of an individual's life, in line with our belief in the sanctity and potential of every person.


Through Complete Wellness C.I.C., we strive to enable individuals to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life, reflecting our conviction that everyone is created for a greater purpose and deserves the opportunity to thrive in every aspect of their well-being.

We believe our purpose is to inspire and support individuals in our communities to embrace changes that lead to a healthier, more balanced life, ultimately empowering them to become the best version of themselves.

Our Mission
Green House

Our Vision

Envisioning a future where every individual in our communities lives a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life, Complete Wellness C.I.C. strives to be a beacon of holistic well-being. We aspire to transform lives by integrating physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, occupational, intellectual, and environmental wellness into everyday living. Our vision is grounded in the principles of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (, guiding us to create a world where health and wellness are accessible to all, particularly those facing the greatest challenges, and where every person recognises their inherent value and potential for a greater purpose.


We Need Your Support Today!

Where you can find us


72 New Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4QR


01634 907 185

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri






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