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EER Calculator
Estimated Energy Requirement

The EER calculator (Estimated Energy Requirement calculator) is a valuable tool designed to estimate the average daily dietary energy intake necessary to maintain energy balance in healthy, normal-weight individuals. It functions by calculating the number of calories an individual needs to consume to keep their weight stable, without gaining or losing.


This tool is especially useful for those aiming to maintain their current weight or seeking to understand their basic energy requirements. It considers various factors like age, sex, weight, height, and physical activity level to provide a personalised calorie estimate. This individualised approach ensures a more accurate understanding of one's energy needs compared to generic calorie guidelines.

Estimated Energy Requirement

What is the EER Calculator?

The Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) calculator is a scientifically designed tool used to calculate the average energy intake needed to maintain an individual's current weight. This calculation is crucial for anyone looking to understand their daily calorie needs, whether for maintaining, gaining, or losing weight.


How EER is Calculated:

The EER formula, developed by the Institute of Medicine, takes into account several vital factors:

  • Age (A): As metabolism changes with age, this is a significant factor in energy needs.

  • Weight (W): Measured in kilograms, it directly influences caloric requirements.

  • Height (H): Taller individuals typically have higher energy needs.

  • Sex: There are different formulas for males and females, acknowledging physiological differences.

  • Physical Activity (PA): This factor adjusts for energy expended in daily activities, with a range from sedentary (1.0) to very active (1.48 for males, 1.45 for females).


Nutritional Requirements Based on EER:

Once you know your EER, it becomes a guide to plan your diet. The key is to balance your calorie intake with your EER to achieve your weight goals - whether it's maintaining, losing, or gaining weight.


Importance of Macronutrient Distribution:

The EER calculator doesn't just stop at calorie counts. A healthy diet also requires a proper balance of macronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The USDA Dietary Guidelines suggest a distribution of 10-35% of energy from protein, 45-65% from carbohydrates, and 20-35% from fat.


Does BMI Affect EER?

Directly, no. BMI is a measure of body fat, whereas EER calculates daily energy requirements. However, a significant deviation in BMI might indicate a need to adjust calorie intake as per EER for weight management.


Using the EER Calculator:

The EER calculator is user-friendly, accommodating different units of measurement and providing quick, personalised results. It's a valuable tool for anyone seeking to align their diet with their specific energy requirements, supporting overall health and wellness goals.

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